Friday, September 28, 2007

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

"Liberty cannot be secured unless criminals lose there heads" Robespierre said of the new developments of the french revolution. The middle class and the poor had more power than they ever had because things in France was more democratic. With the new power people went a little crazy with it that's when there was a period of time called the Reign of Terror. Robespierre took over with his power he just started cutting peoples heads off. For instants there was this gang called the Jacobin's they went around looking for people that were connected with the old regime cutting there heads off with the famous guillotine. They even killed Louis the 16 finding him for treason. Robespierre scared the crap out of people cutting people heads off left and right you could be a friend of Robespierre and the next you were on the guillotine. He changed the days of the week and got rid of Sunday saying that it was to religious so all the Church's were closed. The Reign of Terror ended when Napoleon Bonaparte stepped in and brought everything Robespierre destroyed to an end.

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