Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

Evolution is thought to be that all living things came from a common ancestor when, Creation or Creationism is the belief that humanity, life, the earth and the universe were created by the form they are in now by a Deity (the Abraham tic god Judaism, Christianity and Islam). There is a big debate over the evolution and creation theory no one really knows how life started either if god mad it or we evolved. In my opinion I think that we evolved evidence shows our ancestors had the the attributes of us and monkeys in Darwin's theory we started out as little molecules and over time our gentic codes changed to make species today the way they are. there is no way that we all were created out of no were that doesn't make sense history shows that we have changed over time but the people who believe in creation wont here it so i am going to go with evolution because creation makes no sense in any way

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