Friday, December 14, 2007

The Opium Wars

The Opium wars all started when the English wanted to start trade with the Chinese but the Chinese didn't want any of it. The English got there way and started trade with the Chinese by giving out opium to the Chinese people and get them addicted. Then after a period of time the English came back and the Chinese wanted more so they decided to trade tea for the drug. As time went by people that were not addicted stared to despise the English and try to get out of the trade between them. Which started the war and the war wasn't fair. The English were more highly advanced there war ships were steamed powered while the Chinese war ships were still sail boats because of there isolation to the world. The English won easily and went on to what they were doing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"The Scramble for Africa"

The scramble for Africa started in 1881. The reason for the big scramble was the vast recources that Africa had. Like rubber, gold, wood, ivry, silver, copper, tin. One of the famous europeans that went to Africa and had succes was Cecil Rhodes. He own 90 percent of the worlds diamonds production. During the African scramble millions of people died and or were in slaved for the europeans doings. When europeans got there their health coudlnt take the vast dieseases Africa had thats my most europeans that went to Africa died or got sick over time.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Film Session: "Mountians of the Moon"

The Europeans had a lot of hard ships being in Africa. They faced disease,enemy tribes,low food and water. The reason the source of the Nile river (Lake Victoria) is named after the British Queen is because when John Speak found it he called it that to show that Europeans discovered it. The Europeans had a big advantage over the African people and that advantage was guns.The African people never seen anything like it before, Africans carried around spears and Shields as there weapons. Then when the machine gun was invented the Europeans went back to Africa and took it over with ease.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration Of Japan

The reason Matthew Perry got what he wanted was because the Japanese were amazed by the boats Perry and his man were sailing. They were so amazed that they gave him what he wanted. Which was coal,food,water. He just bullied them by anchoring 26 miles away from the capital city with sails down and a Naval force that was far greater than any other Japanese war ship. They had no choice but to give in to his demands. A year later in 1854 the treaty was signed to open two ports. With the amazement of the technology the Americans had, the Japanese sent men all around the world to find out new ideas so that the could keep up with the world change in technology.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx was Communisms best man. He hated the Industrial Revolution so much him and Engels basically created it. He hated the pollution and the child labor him and Engels made a book called "The Communist Manifesto". He dislike for capitalism, is which drove him to make communism. Communism was a form of socialism that eliminated private ownership, and favored a classless society. The reason he made communism was becasue of the workers that had to work 16 hour days everyday with poor working habitats and low pay. Karls plan for communism was genius everyone would be paid the same the government owned everything so there would be know fighting. But the thing with communism was that ot looked good on paper but it didnt work to well in real life, doctors were being paid the same as wood chipers thats why it never worked but there are some country that have communism like China.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was disgusted with the Industrial Revolution. He hated it for many reason. Reason like poor working conditions, pollution, and child labor. The reason he dislike the poor working comditions was that the work was vigorous and unsafe if a fire were to occur there was no safe route out of the building owners locked there workers in. Pollution destroyed the inviroment during the Revolution. Rivers were slim with crap on its banks smoke was being poured into the air all day and night. The worst is child labor children worked in places were grown men were suppose to work. They work 16 hours a day and were paid next to nothing.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism means national spirit or aspiration a devotion and loyalty to ones own nation. It is also the the desire for national advancement or independence. The policy or doctrineof asserting the interest of ones own nation, viewed as separate from the interest of other nations or the common interest of all nations. I live in a country that has nationalism. Itlay was a country of bad leaders until one man visited the United States and saw it was done over here and decided to go back to Italy and change the governmet

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar had won independence for Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. He traveled all over the world when he went to the U.S.A. which just got there independence from Great Britian it motivated him to go back to his country and win there independence. He also participated in the declaration of Venezuelen independence. He almost liberated a whole continent, having a whole country named after him (Bolivia) also sometimes referred as the George Washington of South America.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

"Liberty cannot be secured unless criminals lose there heads" Robespierre said of the new developments of the french revolution. The middle class and the poor had more power than they ever had because things in France was more democratic. With the new power people went a little crazy with it that's when there was a period of time called the Reign of Terror. Robespierre took over with his power he just started cutting peoples heads off. For instants there was this gang called the Jacobin's they went around looking for people that were connected with the old regime cutting there heads off with the famous guillotine. They even killed Louis the 16 finding him for treason. Robespierre scared the crap out of people cutting people heads off left and right you could be a friend of Robespierre and the next you were on the guillotine. He changed the days of the week and got rid of Sunday saying that it was to religious so all the Church's were closed. The Reign of Terror ended when Napoleon Bonaparte stepped in and brought everything Robespierre destroyed to an end.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

French Revolution

The French Revolution all started because the states general.Then the Bastille was stormed and taken over by the citizens of Paris. Louis the 16 and his family were taken and kidnapped from their home the Versailles and taken into Paris. He was then kept there for a couple of years before he went on trail in 1792 and then executed in early 1793.Then the revolutionary government declared war on Britain a world for world domain which had been coming for a while. The French Revolution had such a huge impact on Britain for a long time that the intellectual, philosophical, and political life of Britian was changed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Copernicus and the Trail of Galileo

Galileo was put on trail for something he believed in and that belief was the Copernicus doctrine. He was interrogated on April 12 1633, He was treated as a special prisoner he was not sent into the prison cells he was put in a apartment that was used by inquisition officials.Then on June 22 1633 he was sent to live in prison for disobeying the rules to not defend the Copernicus or teach it. In 1992 the Roman Catholic Church said they made a error dealing with Galileo. Which is a little to late if I say so come on now it was 300 years ago now u say it was wrong the way they treated Galileo.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Scientific revolution:Scientific Method

Science is best defined as a logical search for knowledge about any and all aspects of the universe, obtained by examination of the best available evidence and always subject to correction and improvment upon discovery of bigger better evidence.What's left is fake and magic, and doesnt makes sense or work. Thats the Scientific Method full of evidense and lies.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

Evolution is thought to be that all living things came from a common ancestor when, Creation or Creationism is the belief that humanity, life, the earth and the universe were created by the form they are in now by a Deity (the Abraham tic god Judaism, Christianity and Islam). There is a big debate over the evolution and creation theory no one really knows how life started either if god mad it or we evolved. In my opinion I think that we evolved evidence shows our ancestors had the the attributes of us and monkeys in Darwin's theory we started out as little molecules and over time our gentic codes changed to make species today the way they are. there is no way that we all were created out of no were that doesn't make sense history shows that we have changed over time but the people who believe in creation wont here it so i am going to go with evolution because creation makes no sense in any way