Friday, April 18, 2008

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Aparthied is racial-segragtion policy of the government of South Africa from 1948 to 1991. In the Aparthied system non-white, colored, and Indian people didn't share full rights of citizenship with the white crowd. Nelson Mandela was so big in Africa because every since he realized that his people weren't being treated farely in the Apartheid system. He started out in the African National Congress (ANC). In 1964 he was sentence to life in prison in the notorious Rivonia Trials. It was a plan to put Mandela in prison by the white government to shut him up. But that didn't stop him from trying to free his country. When he got out of prison in 1991 after serving 27 years the African people made him their leader, five years after getting out of prison he was honored with the Nobel peace prize. Thanks to Mandela apartheid was outlawed, Everyone in Africa now has equal rights.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

African Independence

Between 1955 to 1975 Africa went through some major changes in its country. In a 20 year span Africa was trying to be independent. After World War II British colonies that were still there since the late 1800, Africans set their sites on making those country under British control independent countries. Nkrumah an independence leader and the first Prime minister of Ghana helped create and make Ghana independent. Jomo Kenyatta was the man that gave Kenya its independence after 10,000 black Kenyans and 100 white Kenyans died. Kenyatta became president of the newly found nation. Patrice Lumumba was the first prime minister of Conga after Belgium granted independence to the country. Those are just some of the independence leaders of Africa though Africa is made up of a number of countrys and backrounds its idependence was a biud deal to Africans

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban missile crisis started right after the failed bay of pigs attack. Fidel Castro the dictator of Cuba felt that there was another attack coming from the U.S. so he approved of the Khrushchev plan. Which was to put missiles on the island which was a great plus for the USSR, it made it easier for them to send missiles from Cuba to the U.S. cause there only a couple of miles away. This sent a fear to Kennedy and his organization when he found out the news what the Soviet union was doing in Cuba. Kennedy threaten that if any missiles were launched from Cuba he would hold the Soviet Union accountably. With hearing that the Soviet Union pulled out and took there missiles back to their country. There was another request the U.S. demanded that Soviet light bombers be removed from Cuba, and specifying the exact form and conditionsof the United States assurance not to invade Cuba.