Monday, March 31, 2008

Film Lesson - "The Right Stuff"

It all started with the successful launch of Sputnik by the russians. Thats what started this race to space. The U.S. and Russia were fighting a "cold war" at the time, each country thought the other was going to bomb them. When Russia sent there little satilite into space it scared the crap out of Americans. The government felt if the Russians had control of space they could drop nuclear bombs on us, like dropping rocks from a highway over pass. "The Right Stuff" was a movie about getting the first man to space. The Russians were winning at first but of course the U.S. won in the end. The movie started with trying to break the sound barerier, when they broke it they kept getting faster. Then USSR sent up Sputnik and the race started. The U.S. went on a nation wide search for the best pilots to become the first astrounots. The U.S. was the first to send a living thing into space we sent a monkey. Then in the end we toped it all of with sending a man to the moon.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

There are a number of scenes that will stick with me for the rest of my life. The scene were the camera is following this little girl through out the ghetto when the Nazi's are taking all the Jews and moving them out of the ghetto. The camera follows her walking through the streets were all around her people are being killed there stuff being thrown all over the streets. Then she finally goes into a building goes up the stairs and hides under a bed.
Another scence is when the Jews are in a concentration camp the guy thats in control walks out of his room to the balcony looks around smoking a cigarrete, he picks up a sniper looks through the lense then takes his eyes out of it. Then he looks in it again and he is looking around for somthing to shoot, when he finds a woman fiddling with somthing on the ground when she stands up real quick as if she see's the man with the sniper. He then shoots her in the head for no reason.
Another secene were the war is almost over and there at a camp and there buring thousands of dead bodys the mountain of bodys was at least 4 stories high maybe higher. And Schindler is there watching this then all of a sudden he looks away from the pile and see's that same little girl he was watching for so long walking through the streets of the ghetto on a wagon with two other bodies getting ready to go into the burning pile. He had a look of shjock on his face like no other.

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

I believe this was a very powerful film the most powerful i have ever seen. "Night and Fog" is a film about this guy taking a camera to Auschwitz's a concentration camp known for killing 6,000 jews a day. It was filmed 10 years after WWII ended. Its funny when your watching the documentary Auschwitz looks so peaceful you wouldn't imagine that a genocide had taken place there. The documentary also showed film from 10 years earlier, it showed how skinny the jews were and how many bodys there were it was horrible thing to watch but it was important to watch. I believe that the documentary shows the Holocaust to its fullest , it shows were the jews slept three in each wooden bed. It shows the gas chambers that they sent thousands of jews a day. It also showed you the ovens they burned the jews in after they killed them.